15 úžasných Výhod Quinoa Pro Pokožku, Vlasy A Zdraví


Video: 15 úžasných Výhod Quinoa Pro Pokožku, Vlasy A Zdraví

Video: 15 úžasných Výhod Quinoa Pro Pokožku, Vlasy A Zdraví
Video: Jídlem ke zdraví - VLASY 2024, Smět
15 úžasných Výhod Quinoa Pro Pokožku, Vlasy A Zdraví
15 úžasných Výhod Quinoa Pro Pokožku, Vlasy A Zdraví

Pokud patříte k 97% světové populace, pravděpodobně se quinoa vyslovuje tak, jak zbývající 3% ne. A možná jste už o této superpotravině slyšeli, ale ne o jejích rozmanitých (a silných) výhodách quinoa.

Pokud je to váš případ, jste na správném místě. Protože se jedná o pokus dostat vás mezi elitu 3% - elitu, která ví, co dělá quinoa, quinoa.


  • Co je Quinoa?
  • Je Quinoa pro vás dobrá?
  • Jaká je historie Quinoa?
  • Jaký je výživový profil quinoa?
  • Jaké jsou výhody Quinoa?
  • Nějaká skvělá fakta o Quinoa?
  • Jak vybrat a uložit quinoa
  • Nějaké tipy na používání?
  • Jak začlenit quinoa do vaší stravy
  • Nějaké oblíbené recepty na quinoa?
  • Kde koupit klíčky quinoa
  • Jaké jsou vedlejší účinky quinoa?

Co je Quinoa?

Ať už je to cokoli, pojďme nejprve vyslovit výslovnost. Keen-wah nebo ke-NO-ah. Ano, tak to vyslovujete.

Quinoa, často označovaná jako „superpotravina“nebo „supergrain“, je jednou z nejpopulárnějších zdravých potravin na světě. Pokud je to příliš obecné, pojďme do podrobností. Quinoa (vášnivý wah, pamatujete?) Je kvetoucí rostlina, která patří do rodiny amarantů. Je to jednoletá rostlina, která se pěstuje pro jedlá semena. Takže když mluvíme o výhodách quinoa, máme na mysli výhody jejích semen. Protože semena obvykle používáme.

Semena jsou bez lepku. Složení quinoa je podobné pšenici nebo rýži při vaření. Je to vynikající zdroj bílkovin (úplný zdroj, protože obsahuje všech devět esenciálních aminokyselin). Obsahuje také dobré množství vlákniny a minerálů.

A ano, existují různé druhy quinoa:

Výhody quinoa
Výhody quinoa

Quinoa nebo bílá quinoa, což je nejběžnější druh quinoa dostupný v obchodech. Nazývá se také slonová kost quinoa.

Červená quinoa, která si po trochu vaření udrží svůj původní tvar (lepší než bílá quinoa). Tento typ je vhodnější pro studené saláty nebo jakýkoli recept, kde je žádoucí výrazné zrno.

Černá quinoa, která je o něco sladší a zemitější než bílá quinoa. Tato odrůda si zachovává svoji černou barvu neporušenou i při vaření.

Vločky quinoa, které se vyrábějí válcováním celozrnných zrn parou. Tyto vločky zajišťují skvělou rychlou snídani.

Quinoa mouka, což není nic jiného než mouka vyrobená ze semen quinoa. Vypadá to skoro jako každá jiná mouka.

V pořádku. Jaký je ale velký problém?

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Je Quinoa pro vás dobrá?

Očividně. Jinak nemá smysl o tom vědět, že? Otázkou je, jak to pro vás může být dobré.

Semena jsou bohatá na vlákninu, vitamíny B, vitamin E a další minerály, jako je železo, hořčík, vápník, draslík a fosfor. Jsou vysoce výživné. A také obsahují kvercetin a kaempferol, dvě důležité rostlinné sloučeniny, o nichž si více povíme později.

Quinoa je bezlepková, což znamená, že je čas na párty pro jednotlivce, kteří netolerují lepek. A má nízký glykemický index - a to znamená i čas na párty pro diabetiky. Vzhledem k vysokému obsahu železa a hořčíku může mít quinoa skvělé účinky na metabolické zdraví jedince. Semena oplývají antioxidanty (1).

Je toho mnohem víc. Pravděpodobně milion dalších důvodů, proč quinoa budete milovat. V tomto příspěvku ale probereme několik velmi důležitých z nich. Ach ano, a předtím, co takhle trochu historie?

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Jaká je historie Quinoa?

Všechno to začalo asi před 4000 lety v andské oblasti Peru, Bolívie a Chile - kde ji lidé domestikovali ke spotřebě. Podle archeologických nálezů však quinoa vznikla asi před 7 000 lety.

Kolem doby španělského příjezdu byla quinoa dobře technologicky rozvinutá a dobře distribuovaná na území Inků (říkalo se jí zlato Inků), kde se věřilo, že poskytuje vytrvalost inckým válečníkům. A společnost Quinoa to nazvala supergrain budoucnosti.

Rostlina prošla v průběhu lidské historie četnými morfologickými změnami - v důsledku své domestikace. Některé z těchto změn zahrnují kompaktní květní hlavu rostliny, zvětšení velikosti stonku a semene a vysokou úroveň pigmentace.

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Živiny v quinoa jsou skutečným řešením, protože za zbytek tohoto příspěvku jsou odpovědné samy. Takže, tady to máte.

Jaký je výživový profil quinoa?

Zde jsou fakta o výživě quinoa. Existuje mnoho překvapivých výhod výživy quinoa, Quinoa je nabitá základními živinami, jako jsou antioxidanty, vitamíny a minerály. Je také považován za kompletní protein.

Nasycený tuk 1g Trans Fat Cholesterol 0mg Sodík 9mg Celkový obsah sacharidů 109 g Dietní vláknina 12g Cukry Bílkoviny 24g Vitamin A Vitamín C Vápník Iroin Částky na vybranou porci Vitamin A Vitamín C Vitamín D Vitamin E (alfa tokoferol) Vitamin K. Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Vitamin B6 Folát Vitamin B12 Kyselina pantothenová Cholin Betain Částky na vybranou porci Vápník Žehlička Hořčík Fosfor Draslík Sodík Zinek Měď Mangan Selen Fluorid
  • 2 miligramy manganu (58% DV)
  • 118 miligramů hořčíku (30% DV)
  • 281 miligramů fosforu (28% DV)
  • 78 mikrogramů folátu (19% DV)
  • 4 miligramy mědi (18% DV)
  • 8 miligramů železa (15% DV)
  • 2 miligramy thiaminu (13% DV)
  • 2 miligramy zinku (13% DV)
  • 2 miligramy riboflavinu (12% DV)
  • 318 miligramů draslíku (9% DV)
  • 2 miligramy selenu (7% DV)
  • 2 miligramy vitaminu E (6% DV)

Zpět na obsah

Jaké jsou výhody Quinoa?

You can count on quinoa benefits. Quinoa’s fiber content makes it a great food for weight loss and treating other digestive issues like constipation. The fiber also protects the heart and prevents deadly diseases like cancer. The antioxidants this food contains work magically for skin and hair health.

1. Promotes Weight Loss

Výhody quinoa
Výhody quinoa

All your gym workouts and well-disciplined diets are great, and adding quinoa can only make things better.

Quinoa is high in fiber. In fact, much higher than most grains and seeds. Though a major part of the fiber in quinoa is insoluble, it still does contain a decent amount of its solid cousin. One cup of the seeds contains 2.5 grams of soluble fiber – which, as per studies, aids weight loss (2).

There is something else in quinoa that warrants our attention. It is 20-hydroxyecdysone, a compound known to help with weight control. Research suggests that this compound helps burn more calories and consequently aids weight control (3). It also makes individuals absorb less fat from their diet.

[Read: Fiber-Rich Foods For Weight Loss]

2. Helps Prevent Osteoporosis

Let us bust a common myth – that only individuals above fifty years must be really concerned about bone health. In actuality (unless one happens to be a distant relative of a walrus), everyone must be concerned about the health of their bones. Irrespective of their age.

Given that quinoa is rich in magnesium, it works great for bone health. The mineral plays a role in bone formation. Quinoa is also rich in protein (1 cup contains 9 grams of it), a nutrient that serves as a building block for the bones (4). More importantly, it contains all the nine essential amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own, which have a part to play in this aspect.

As per other studies, the magnesium and manganese in quinoa also help prevent osteoporosis (5).

3. Protects The Heart

Home is where the heart is, and that’s where even quinoa is.

Getting to the point, the soluble fiber is what makes quinoa a wonder food for your heart. The soluble fiber combines with the bile acids in your liver and produces a jelly-like substance that’s excreted in your bowels. Your liver utilizes some of the cholesterol in your body to produce these bile acids. When the stores are depleted, your liver pulls cholesterol from your blood to produce these acids.

Are you beginning to get the idea here? Good. Simply put, quinoa somehow provokes your liver to extract cholesterol from the blood. That’s it.

Eating quinoa means lower levels of bad cholesterol, and this means a reduced risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. And this means you are going to live longer. Party time, again!

Quinoa contains fatty acids, 25 percent of which comes in the form of oleic acid. Now, oleic acid is your friend (6). It is a heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acid, and 8 percent of it is ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), which is the omega-3 fatty acid predominantly found in plants.

4. Improves Skin Health

We already saw quinoa is rich in B vitamins, nutrients that help treat age spots and other conditions related to skin pigmentation by reducing the deposits of dark melanin in the skin. And the vitamin B12 in quinoa interacts with the other B vitamins to maintain a healthy skin complexion.

Quinoa also contains tyrosinase inhibitors, enzymes that decrease pigmentation and the associated problems (7). And the vitamin B3 in quinoa, also called niacinamide, helps treat acne. It soothes the red and inflamed areas often associated with acne breakouts.

Quinoa contains vitamin A, which is the mother of all vitamins when it comes to delaying the aging process. It reduces fine lines and makes your skin look young. And the riboflavin in quinoa (or vitamin B2) improves skin elasticity. It even treats acne – as it can help reduce sebum production.

Oh yes, didn’t we speak about quinoa brimming with antioxidants? Yes, these fight the free radicals that are almost always responsible for early aging. If you look into the mirror and suddenly feel you are looking like your aunt, you know who the culprit is.

By the way, you can use this face pack to delay your aging signs. Just cook ¼ cup of quinoa in soy milk and let it cool. Blend this boiled quinoa with 3 teaspoons of yogurt, 2 egg yolks, and 2 drops of mimosa essential oil. Apply it to your face and neck and leave it on for 20 minutes.

Rinse with lukewarm water. Your skin will become smooth and radiant.

Quinoa contains natural protein and anti-aging properties while soy milk nourishes and repairs the sun damaged skin by enhancing its elasticity. This face pack will also make the skin smooth and even toned.

5. Fights Inflammation

The fiber in quinoa produces butyrate, an important fatty acid that turns off genes related to inflammation. And the B vitamins in quinoa reduce homocysteine levels (an inflammatory hormone) in the body.

More interestingly, the digestion of fiber in quinoa (and fiber, in general) releases acetate – which then travels to the brain and signals us to stop eating. The logic is simple – if you eat less, you are less likely to be taking in pro-inflammatory foods.

Quinoa also contains compounds called saponins, which studies have shown to have anti-inflammatory properties (8).

[Read: Best Herbal Anti-Inflammatory Tablets & Supplements]

6. Helps Fight Cancer

Let’s first stop thinking cancer is a killer. Because cancer is beatable. And preventable too. Thanks to quinoa.

Harvard University says a daily bowl of quinoa can save your life. Literally. A study shows that eating a bowl of quinoa daily can reduce the risk of premature death by cancer (9). And the American Institute for Cancer Research has a thing to say about its usage – each quinoa grain is coated with a bitter substance to protect it as the crop grows, so ensure you put it in a sieve and rinse before you even start cooking (10).

A Polish study also speaks about how quinoa can be a savior during cancer. It’s about the extracts of its leaves, though. These leaves exert chemopreventive and anticancer effects (11).

Another report by the Yale Cancer Center recommends adding quinoa to your diet to fight cancer (12). Quinoa is super rich in antioxidants – the very compounds that can fight free radicals and other harmful substances that cause cancer.

7. Helps Fight Diabetes And Hypertension

Výhody quinoa
Výhody quinoa

Quinoa is a whole grain, and whole grains are great for diabetes. The fiber in quinoa doesn’t raise blood sugar levels. It also prevents diabetes-related weight gain and other chronic conditions.

A part of living with diabetes is all about taking foods that have low glycemic index, and quinoa, thankfully, is on the lower end. Quinoa also has all the amino acids to make protein (unlike most other grains), which also does a good job in controlling blood sugar levels.

One Brazilian study stated that a diet including quinoa could help manage type 2 diabetes and the hypertension associated with it (13). Quinoa is a complex carbohydrate – and such carbohydrates break down in the body much slowly, allowing the blood sugar to be more stable (14).

Quinoa also contains good amounts of magnesium and potassium, nutrients that help lower blood pressure. Magnesium also helps relax the blood vessels (and by the way, this helps combat migraines too).

8. Improves Metabolism

It’s common sense, if you ask us. When quinoa is replete with so many nutrients, it is impossible that your metabolism wouldn’t improve if you consume it regularly.

And its protein is something worth relooking at. It improves metabolism as well as significantly reduces appetite (15).

9. Aids In Anemia Treatment

Quinoa is rich in iron. One cup of cooked quinoa (185 grams) contains about 3 mg of iron, which is 15% of the daily requirement. A diet adequate in iron can help prevent anemia.

Another nutrient to look at in this aspect is riboflavin – which quinoa is rich in. Anemia can also be caused due to less riboflavin in one’s diet (16). Also, allow us to reiterate the importance of iron. The mineral is required to make hemoglobin, which is a part of the red blood cells that bind and carry oxygen in your blood.

[Read: Home Remedies To Cure Anemia]

10. Enhances Digestive Health

Quinoa is rich in fiber, and that makes this point self-explanatory. Pretty much. Fiber adds bulk to the food churned in your stomach, and this stimulates the walls of your digestive tract. Your tract contracts, and this promotes better absorption of nutrients in the small intestine. In the large intestine, this fiber prevents constipation.

The B vitamins in quinoa also play a role in digestion. One of these is thiamin, which helps in the production of hydrochloric acid (the acid in your stomach that aids digestion).

Riboflavin aids in the development of cells lined in the walls of the digestive tract. Another amino acid quinoa contains is glutamic acid, which is converted into glutamine in your body. Glutamine is responsible for the health of the mucosal lining of your stomach.

11. Promotes Longevity

Výhody quinoa
Výhody quinoa

There is a Bolivian man who is (or was) 123 years old. He credits his longevity to a daily diet that includes quinoa.

Enough said.

Numerous studies have shown that a diet rich in whole grains (like quinoa) can put a stop to numerous diseases, which obviously enables people to live longer.

12. Aids Tissue Repair And Growth

Quinoa is rich in lysine, which is important for tissue repair and growth. What’s interesting here is quinoa is the only grain that contains this amino acid (17). The high protein content also contributes to this factor.

13. Offers The Goodness Of Quercetin And Kaempferol

These two compounds are of particular importance. And quinoa is very rich in them (18).

Quercetin and kaemferol are known to fight inflammation. They also possess antiviral and antidepressant effects (19), (20).

[Read: Health Benefits Of Quercetin]

14. Strengthens Hair Follicles

The protein content of quinoa is what we must look at here. Hydrolyzed protein extracted from quinoa acts as a natural and gentle coating that protects and nourishes the hair follicles from within. The protein extracted from this grain is also used to produce high-quality hair products.

The nine essential amino acids quinoa contains act as natural strengtheners and protect the hair shaft. They also repair damaged hair and promote hair growth.

The humectants in quinoa nourish and hydrate the scalp and keep it well conditioned. They form an invisible film over the hair to protect it from environmental conditions like pollution and dust.

And the vitamin E reduces breakage due to tangling by balancing the production of natural oils on the scalp.

15. Helps Treat Dandruff

Quinoa contains important minerals like calcium, iron, and phosphorus that seal moisture in the scalp to keep dandruff at bay. You just have to mash quinoa and apply the paste to your hair and scalp. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse as usual.

The protein in quinoa also helps treat split ends. And the tyrosine in quinoa helps maintain the original color of your hair.

We have seen the quinoa benefits. But there is something else about quinoa we need to know. Some interesting facts.

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Any Cool Facts About Quinoa?

  • Though we cook and eat quinoa like most other grains (and we have called it a grain too, in this post), botanically speaking, quinoa is not a grain. It’s a relative of spinach, chard, and beets.
  • There are more than 100 types of quinoa. The most commercialized of these are the white, red, and black varieties.
  • Unlike brown rice (which cooks in about 30 minutes), quinoa cooks in just 15 minutes.
  • Humans have been consuming quinoa for over 4,000 years now.
  • 80% of the world’s quinoa is cultivated in Peru and Bolivia.
  • About 20 years ago, NASA researchers declared quinoa to the perfect snack for astronauts on long-term missions as it is rich in minerals, gluten-free, and a complete protein.

These facts could have come across as a surprise. But nothing could be more surprising than not knowing how to select and store quinoa (especially after knowing its benefits).

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How To Select And Store Quinoa

Quinoa seeds are usually sold in airtight packets or containers. The most common type of quinoa available is white, but black and tri-colored quinoa seeds are also available in some places.


  • While purchasing quinoa, look for fine and dry grains. They should look and smell fresh.
  • To ensure optimum freshness and shelf life, buy quinoa that is well packed and well-sealed.
  • Whether you are purchasing quinoa in bulk or a packaged container, check to ascertain that there is no presence of moisture.


  • Store grains in a cool and dry place in an airtight container with a tight-fitting lid. A properly sealed container is very important for maintaining the freshness and reducing the possibility of infestation. This way, they will stay fresh for months or for over a year, if stored away from sunlight and heat.
  • While purchasing quinoa seeds, do keep in mind that quinoa expands several times its original size. Hence, purchase in small quantities or as per requirement.
  • You can also freeze quinoa as a long-term option. Cooked quinoa can be freezed in an airtight container.
  • It is actually difficult to say if quinoa seeds are rotten. Since quinoa has a long shelf life, it does not become rancid or smelly with time.
  • Cooked quinoa shows a loss of texture and acquires mold as it gets spoiled. Do not allow cooked quinoa to sit out at room temperature for more than 2 hours.

Well, there are other ways you can use quinoa in your cooking. Want to know?

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Any Tips On Usage?

Quinoa uses are many, you can use this grain in just about everything, from breakfast to dinner. Quinoa has a nutty and earthy flavor. It pairs best with savories like stews and curries. After cooking, it becomes quite fluffy and chewy and attains a very pleasant taste. The pearly white quinoas or light yellow quinoas are the fluffiest while the red and black ones are more compact.

Quinoa has a thick outer coat that must be removed before consuming. This covering protects the seeds from insects and birds. The outer coat has a bitter, soap-like taste, and, if consumed, can cause severe stomach pain, flatulence, and laxative diarrhea. So, prior to cooking, wash quinoa thoroughly and soak it for 2 hours. Then, change the water, soak again, and rinse it. Wash it repeatedly until the foam disappears completely. This process will remove the pesticide residue, saponins, and their bitterness.

Quinoa can be cooked in the same way as we cook other staple grains like buckwheat, rice, barley, etc. Its seeds are used to prepare porridge, soup, and stew and are ground to flour to prepare bread, alcohol, noodles, flakes, cookies, biscuits, pasta, cakes, buns, and even cold drinks in the Andean regions. You can mix quinoa flour with wheat, oats, and maize flour to enrich the protein quality of the meal. Quinoa is perfect for salad preparation as its grassy flavor and texture gel very well with lettuces and other leafy vegetables. You can add quinoa to your baked goods like muffins and pancakes to give them a distinct flavor.

To cook quinoa in the healthiest way, add one part of the grain to two parts of water and simmer for 20 minutes. The grains become translucent, with the white germ partially detaching itself. You can even roast quinoa before cooking to enhance its taste and give a crunchy texture. Place the seeds in a frying pan and roast on medium to low heat while stirring constantly for 5 minutes.

And in case you are wondering…

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How To Incorporate Quinoa In Your Diet

Quinoa leaves and flower heads are eaten as vegetables and used to prepare curries, salads, and soups. But blanch the leaves and heads in boiling water before cooking as they contain oxalic acid, which can lead to kidney stones if consumed in large quantities.

Cold pressed quinoa oil is one of the most sought after oils used for cooking and dressing. It adds an amazing flavor and aroma to the dishes.

Since quinoa is completely gluten-free, it is a perfect food to include in a gluten-free diet. It also has very good digestibility, which decreases the risk of developing an adverse reaction to quinoa.

Quinoa can be a replacement to rice (both brown and white) as well. If we talk about brown rice, quinoa has more iron and magnesium than brown rice. The two have equal amounts of B vitamins. And with white rice, quinoa is a better choice any given day – just one cup of cooked quinoa has 40 fewer calories than the same amount of white rice. Also, white rice contains 15 times more carbs than quinoa, while quinoa is a great source of fiber and protein.

You just saw what are quinoa benefits, how to include quinoa in your diet. How about checking out a few simple and easy ways on how to cook quinoa deliciously?

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Any Popular Quinoa Recipes?

1. Kale And Quinoa Salad

What You Need

  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 cup of quinoa
  • 10 leaves of kale, cut into small pieces
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard
  • 1 large minced garlic clove
  • 1 teaspoon of freshly cracked black pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground sea salt
  • 1 cup of pecans
  • 1 cup of currants
  • 3/4 cup of feta cheese


  1. In a saucepan, bring water to a boil. Stir the quinoa into the boiling water, reduce the heat to medium-low and place a cover over the saucepan. Cook until the quinoa absorbs water. Now, remove the saucepan from the heat and let it rest (covered) for 5 minutes. Remove the cover and allow the quinoa to cool completely.
  2. Add kale to a large mixing bowl.
  3. Whisk the olive oil, lemon juice, Dijon mustard, garlic, pepper, and salt in a bowl. Do it until the oil emulsifies into the mixture, and then drizzle it over kale.
  4. Add the cooled quinoa, pecans, currants, and feta cheese to the dressed kale. Toss well.

2. Vegan Quinoa And Black Beans Recipe

What You Need

  • 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil
  • 1 chopped onion
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons of minced garlic
  • 3/4 cup of uncooked quinoa
  • 1 teaspoon of cumin
  • 1 1/2 cups of vegetable broth
  • 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper
  • 1 tablespoon of lime juice
  • 1 cup of frozen corn
  • 2 cans of black beans
  • 1/2 cup of fresh chopped cilantro
  • 1 ripe avocado, diced
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Firstly, rinse the quinoa in a strainer. This will get rid of the bitter taste on the outside of quinoa.
  2. Heat the vegetable oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Stir in the onion and garlic. Cook for a couple of minutes.
  3. Add the quinoa and vegetable broth to the pan. Now, add the cumin, cayenne pepper, salt, and pepper. Bring the mixture to a boil and then cover it. Reduce the heat and simmer for 20 minutes.
  4. Add the lime juice and frozen corn to the pan and stir well. Simmer for 5 minutes.
  5. Mix in the black beans and cilantro. You can garnish with the chopped avocado.
  6. You can serve the dish hot or cold. Store in the refrigerator.

We promise the recipes will stay in your hearts for a long time. But for that, you need to first get quinoa, right?

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Where To Buy Quinoa Sprouts?

You can find quinoa sprouts in health food stores, where they are often sold in bulk. You might also want to look for quinoa in any special gluten-free section of the supermarket.

You saw every good thing about quinoa. But hey, the seeds have a few side effects too. And you need to know them as well.

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What Are The Side Effects Of Quinoa?

Now we know about quinoa benefits but quinoa doesn’t have very serious side effects. However, you might have the following problems if you take it in excess.

Digestive Issues

Since quinoa is rich in fiber, having it in excess can lead to gas, bloating, and diarrhea. This is especially true if you are not used to eating a lot of fiber.

Also, talk to your doctor before you take quinoa for its saponin content. Yes, we have spoken about the benefits of saponins – but certain sources say they might cause intestinal damage.

Kidney Stones

Quinoa contains varying amounts of oxalic acid. While this acid is excreted in urine, it can also bind with calcium and form kidney stones in vulnerable individuals. In case you have a previous history of kidney stones, avoid its use and talk to your doctor first.

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Welcome to the elite 3%. Now be a responsible human being and include quinoa in your diet right away, okay?

And tell us how this post on quinoa benefits has helped you. Your experience can help others as well. Just leave a comment in the box below.

Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

How much liquid do you need to cook quinoa?

A cup of quinoa requires about 2 cups of liquid.

Why does some quinoa have a bitter taste?

This natural bitterness comes from chemicals called saponins, about which we have discussed in this post. Saponins are found outside the seed and can be removed by rinsing the seeds vigorously in a mesh strainer. Certain brands of quinoa (like RiceSelect®) already sell prewashed quinoa, and you don’t have to rinse it again.

What is the shelf life of quinoa?

If stored properly, quinoa can last for up to 2 years. For longer shelf life, you can store it in the refrigerator or freezer.

Is quinoa good for babies?

Yes. It works great for their health. Just make sure your baby is at least 8 months old before he/she is introduced to quinoa.

How to make quinoa milk?

You just need a cup of cooked quinoa, 3 cups of water, 4 dates, and 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon. Blend the quinoa with water, strain it using a cheesecloth, pour the milk in a blender, and blend with the dates and cinnamon.

Can you eat quinoa raw?

Yes, if it is first soaked and sprouted. But certain experts recommend eating it cooked as it is safer and much better.


  1. “Evaluation of indigenous grains from the…”. Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil.
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